yeayy I am a grown up girl..
who is so clumsy girl..
well behave sometimes..
always find cheat time during studying..
crying over the responsibilities that I've got..
always create the spirit to boost out n make it all out..
well, I'm a proud student..
am a proud daughter of my beloved parents..
an understanding sister and friend sometimes..
I'm also the loner and very independent one..
the hater sometimes..
and always thinking over the moon..
imagination to marry the prince of the king..
daydreaming to have many childrens..
atcually, I am the only little girl..
the little caliph..
who has nothing in this world..
because all of the things here are from God.
Allah swt.
dia bagi pinjam hati dan perasaan untuk ada rasa kasih dan sayang sesama manusia.
padahal manusia yang kita sayang tu milik Allah.
siapa kita, nak miliki siapa-siapa.
siapa kita??
tersentap ..terdiam..terkelu..
berdoalah, agar ada jodoh dan rezeki masing-masing..
jodoh untuk grad dengan kawan-kawan yang aku sayang.
berdoalah demi kebahagiaan sahabat-sahabat yang disayangi..
kan lebih baik?/
mendoakan kebahagiaan orang lain.
sbb percayalah kita akan merasa bahagia..
tanggal 02JUNE1994, aku dilahirkan oleh ibu bapa aku tercinta selamanya..
terima kasih atas segala-galanya,
yess me..
a grown up-sweet-twenty girl ^^
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