alhamdulillah, what is the best time, when it is come to end of the semester, to reminisce the memories are the best part time.
..end of Year 1, studying Bachelor Science of Agribusiness, session 2013/2014.
Sincerely, how time flies. And every thoughts now are all about the memories. Serius, aku akan rindu segala macam benda yang berlaku sepanjang setahun berpulun, berjenaka, berserius, beraktif dengan segala macam program kolej 16.
..dari hari pertama dapat tawaran untuk buat degree ni.. rasa macam hah? kos ape aku minta ni? *allah pengsan..* there's no chance for me to be so eager to come back here, UPM.
..tapi kan, "apakah engkau tidak bersyukur atas nikmat kurniaan Allah yang tak terhingga ni?"
..for the sake of allah, i keep follow the track. Keep moving on. Because, how dare us to become so unthankful with what Allah give us... and for the sake of my parents.

..jadi, Allah give me the strength to face my first year degree. allahu ya rabbi..
melangkah ke Dewan Putra 2 untuk buat registration.. *ye, saya semangat!! for the sake of Allah and my parents!*

..masuk minggu ke-2, penuh dengan aktiviti segala macam orientasi, orientasi kolej dan juga fakulti.. Orang-orang pertama rapat dengan aku, mestilah budak ex-asper; Hasnina, Yusof, Naziha dan Acap. Kami sama-sama minta pengecualian Pertanian Asas dan juga Pengenalan kpd Pertanian kott? Lupa.
Orientation & Starting school- is the platform, where I can make many new friends. Second time, enjoy the sixteenth college orientation after my first college orientation at Kolej Pendita Za'aba for my Foundation of Agricultural Science. During my time back in KPZ, I am not involving any of the college program. so, yeah it is worth it, starting the memories with the orientation and starting school program.

these two girls are my two beloved roommates, kak ida and kak zira in the house!!! okeh nak cerita time event ni. Tie Sixteen -program yang mtm kolej buat untuk gather semua budak baru and seniors. serius, program ni sangat membantu, nak kenal and tahu semua penghuni kolej 16. mesti lah kena support. sebab aku juga yang ketuk pintu setiap bilik kakak seniors tebalkan muka promote bende ni kott. rasanye macam perghhh! ahh, okay for the sake of responsibility, in shaa allah mesti hasil dia tak menghampakan.
kita boleh ceria balik masa handle and jadi AJK program ni bilamana kak ida datang turun bawa sekali geng dia. rasa macam..ya allah sportingnye kak ida ni. serius. sobs sobs.

..and yeah, how can I miss these moments. Aktiviti Amalan Ladang Tanaman. Setiap hari Jumaat 3-6pm. Aktiviti ni untuk sepanjang semester 1. Kami tanam macam-macam, dari pokok buah-buahan, tanam padi, harvest jagung, pergi tengok cara nak hasilkan cendawan..and lots more. Walaupun, mula-mula, allah huakbar, apepasal lah kacau petang-petang Jumaat kot.. Kita nak tidur. hahaha.
Kau akan mula menghargai, bilamana kau dah merasainya, kau tahu??
ye saya akur dengan statement atas. Time ni lah, kau create bonding antara kawan sekelas. Time ni lah, masa terbaik nak bantu membantu, tolong menolong mengenakan kawan lain. Time ni lah, aku rasa woahh berbangga sebab ade classmate yang pergi tempah bas untuk kami pergi ke ladang-ladang sepanjang satu semester. tahu? thank you aina :* walhal kau masa asasi tak dapat pun bas kan pergi ladang. yepp, that's my old time.
..terlalu banyak memori. terlalu banyak sebenarnya nak tulis. tapi kan tu lah serba sedikit. a piece of my memories to be thought of and to be told here. Cerita-cerita masa program kolej semua ada entry masing-masing. Mana nak tau kan, tiba-tiba ada perasaan suka and minat seseorang. Memang taklah kan tak ada crush. Tapi itulah dia, kehidupan. Tambah-tambah kehidupan sebagai seorang mahasiswi ni. Mana nak tahan godaan tambah-tambah dari kawan duk menghasut pergi malas study, duk menghasut pergi jalan-jalan. Tapi, tak ada lah seteruk yang disangka.
Once a human, always be a human who are very easy to be influenced.

hmm. well said. If i can turn back times. Just ifs.. and please stop the ifs. Because you are facing towards the better you. Kenapa, aku rasa sedih nak tinggalkan kenangan tahun 1 ni. Ni baru tahun 1, banyak lagi tahun nak kenang nanti okayy. Aku berharap sangat kawan-kawan kelas aku akan kekal bersama sampai graduasi. Tahu tak, aku berharap sangat tu. Tapi kan, mana boleh nak halang cita-cita dan impian sesiapa.
It is just unfair, to be owned by others. Because you are owned by Allah's.
Ingat, siapa kita nak miliki siapa-siapa. okayy. siapa kau? anak raja? memanglah tak. Jadi, jangan nak anggap someone tu milik awak seorang. Jangan nak stop/ halang cita-cita dia. Aku tak tahu kenapa. Aku tak tahu sejak bila. Honestly, dulu banyak jugak aku minat orang. and orang yang aku minat tu. tak pernah pula nak minat aku.

Currently, I'm hoping that all the sadness will be thrown away and never come back. Sad to leave the very precious moments. Kak Ida will leave me for her last semester and will doing her practical somewhere at Putrajaya. Kak Zira have already leave me and kak ida since semester two. She have strong reason to leave us, not to leave us actually. I've already cannot contact her so frequently now. So sad T.T
Currently, my little brother was admitted in hospital because having the dengue. And, my little sister having a very strong fever. Allah hu ya rabb. How many sadness you want to give me and my families.
I'm not strong to face all these all by myself.
Astagfirullah. PadaNya, hamba berserah diri dan bertawakal atas tiap-tiap sesuatu perkara. Please give me the strength. It could be another episodes with my new roommate next semester. New chapters to be covered. Yepp very tough one the subjects; Priciples of Economics, Maths Statistics, and Accounting. Again. Allah. I'm helpless with all the subjects. How could I face it. I am not too strong to face it again.New task to be hold as the High Council Committee or MTM Kolej 16 for the next semester. Macamane aku nak berdepan dengan ni semua kesusahan dan cabaran?? Tolonglah. I'm begging you Allah for the very best plan from you. Please lift me up.
Sadness please go away. Please give me some sunshine.
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