Assalam, I don't know how the existence of this blog towards my friend. Cause, I will not promote my blog publicly, I just paste this link in my twitter account and instagram account. This blog will not appear on google search either. So, somehow, I will not really care about my frequency on writing to this blog. Whenever, I'm free and in the mood, I will express all my feeling. Do I really care? Heee. but obviously, my cousins and the whole famili knew about this blog. Haha. Sorry. Memang ana speaking di sini, tak bermakna ana terror. but, this medium make me learn how to improve english either. K, janji tak gelakkan ana? Heee. gizuew!
Tuesday (27 Nov 2012)
(punya lah malas nak lilit shawl tebal nii, tapi demi group presentation! go girls generation!!)
Theme: Jubah, Girls Generation..
Tajuk: Packaging, Storage and Transportation of Mushroom...
Time: 2-4pm
Location: KAE, UPM Serdang.
The group members.
Group kami mula-mula masuk, dah kena gelak, cause Gee give a lot of sense of humour as the starter of the presentation.. Instead of,, bebudak lelaki gelak, pun tak tahu la pulak aku kenapa.. ye lahhh kannn, Girls Generation!! Yuhuuu. Versi muslimah berjubah. Gambar slide pun 8 org cartoon muslimah.. Yeah, ituuu memang lawak.
Group kami, memang simple slide.. Aku and Adilla. Gambar oversize.. Okayyy, very the colourful one! Alhamdulillah, boleh speak well time tu. but then, kena improve part eye-contact (so kena banyak memorizing and understanding the topic), improve the sharp point to the title (never give elaboration on something that not in topic, remember that!!)
Okayyyh, dua slide terakhir ni, aku tambah masa pukul 2pagi sampai 4.. Dah lah malam sebelum exam, keesokkan malamnya.. Hew3. Kena tambah, perlu ade kaitan dengan produk! K, fine, aku tidur awal within 11.30 o'clock, and wish to wake up at two. Luckily, I woke up, is not easy for me to wake up early. Alhamdulillah, after 4, I continued my maths studying for the next night test till 5.15pm and continued sleep till dawn~ Yeay! luckily I got no class on early morning..
The best part is
Tarikh ni, tarikh special roommate ku, aka ex-schoolmate ku, cik
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caption pic : pergi stadium kajang ke kita? haha.. pergi makan-makan isi masa bersama. |
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caption pic : buruk giler muka akuuuu~ haha |

Nah, for you, my friend..
Dia simple.
Dia sempoi..
Dia suka giler cheese cake..
Dia suka pakai baju kurung dgn tudung hitam pergi kuliah~
Dia bangga dgn lesung pipit..dia.. papa je lahaiii kauuu. Asalkan dia bahagia dgn hidup dia.
ucapan aku: "Shuhada, mudah-mudahan kau dapat apa yang kau idamkan. Maybe, aku tak boleh gantikan tempat mana-mana bestfriend kau dalam hidup kauu.. Tp, ketahuilah, aku appreciate gile bila first time dpt tau kita sama-sama nak jadi roommate. and amik kunci bersama-sama. Kau pun tauu, aku tak pernah ada best friend yang kekal.. banyak yang ter-lost contact, kalau ade contact pun, hubungan tu dah macam hambar. sedihkan? =.= Tp, aku tak kisah, selagi aku bersama kawan yang betul-betul memahami dan famili.. Aku doakan, you will be one of my veterinary friend later~ (dah!! kauuu jangan gelak grammatical error aku, ampunkan salah silap aku and lastly May God Bless You!! ) ~dah macam surat cinta pulak. Hew3
Did you remember that night, we were crying on something.. Something that touched our heart deeply..
Ya allah, selamatkan lah insan yang kami sayang. Berikan lah kebahagiaan buat dirinya, even kami merasakan ketidakadilan destiny hidupnya..
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