Oral presentation BBI 2420 is over. Luckily, we received some good advice from my lecturer about it. She said, "the AVA is good, but too lengthy. I just wanna said just stop from continuing the slide, but I sympathy with all of your effort.." and she said, about the superb slide, that was terrible effort from me and my friend, Najaa.
We start analysed the questionnaire quite late. After, having replacement class for Ellis Lab. I came to the K13, to settle down everything in Najaa's room. I spend for hours for that. :P Really scarified everything for that.
Till late afternoon, the cloud was dark. and there was raining cats and dogs.. Hah, I had to stay over in the room till the weather was clear again..
Then, tak dilupakan juga, rakaman video to interview my friend about the survey. that was part of the assignment. I asked Alyaa for help. I interviewed her, and we were like doing conversational skills test. HAHAHA.. not really like formal interview punn.. peduli aku kan? asalkan buat, and the video quite okayy laa..
Sampai maghrib pun hati tk tenang memikirkan ia. Siap direct message kat Bahrin one of the group member for the discussion at night.. currently, forgetting about the Malaysia vs Thailand football match during the night. I thought that, he didn't reply the DM till late 10 o'clock, I realised as I switch on the twitter back. Oh my god!!!
working out through FB chat with Najaa about the slide through all night from 10 to 12 o'clock. memang time ni, semua stress. najaa stress dgn aku. aku stress dengan permintaan najaa.. haishh, sabarlah kawanku.. dah macam nak buat babak tarik-menarik rambut di sini.. pening and serabut memikirkan untuk besoknya..
and these, what I just looked when it was about 11 o'clock at that time. and sorry lagi, still tk dpt nak buat this meeting discussion. so, end up, mmg tiada group discussion antara kami and them.. another three of my group members are male from different class. three of them were classmates. dah laa. kenal sebab terpaksa masuk group mereka, masa mula-mula buat grouping.. tapi redha je laaa kannn..
you all want to know something?
this is the real story that make me and najaa laughing at all times. masa mock interview, memang lawak habis.. sebab dorang dapat script daripada Najaa. nak katakan di sini, script untuk interviewees mmg berjela-jela.. but then, me and najaa act like the boss of the company, I meant, we were the interviewers. so, on that dayy, dorang memang menghafal bagai nak gila script yang panjang berjela-jela tuu. tuu, yang buat that interview scene looks like unnatural. yang kami pula, beria-ia nakkan meja untuk mock interview that day. and during our turn, only the interviewers got chances to look the script curi-curi. dorang memang bantai lah nak cakap ape punn yang tak berapa nak hafal skrip tuuu.. najaa perasan yang kita tanya lain and dorang jawab lain.. yang kelakarnya, mase first time izzat nk jawab. muka dia dah bagi najaa tergelak-gelak. ya allah, sebaik aku boleh kawal gelakku. memang izzat nampak tiada confident di situ, bila kena gelak dengan najaa.. Akid pula, pernah terstuck kt skrip.. pandang atas, memerah otak untuk ingat skrip. haishhh lawaklaaa..
but now, during the oral presentation everyone looks confident, including izzat. the very confident one. haha.. nasib. semua bagi kerjasama atas pentas presntation.. siap kena puji dgn miss ranmeet atas kerjasama yg ditunjukkan di atas pentas.. memang tak dilupakan sampai bila-bilalah..
nak cakap kt sini. patutnya kitorang bagi peluang pada guys untuk working out through this assignments together. but, both me and najaa, really segan untuk perjumpaan bagai. end up, masing-masing aku and najaa stress sebab nampak sangat di sini, kami yang berkerja keras, sebab tiadanya pembahagian kerja yang efisien..that's really give a lesson to me. :3 a lot! okayyy..
ni laa slide oral presentation kami yang mendapat pujian daripada miss ranmeet. alhamdulilah :)) najaa yang buat ni semua. aku mana pandai this ava things. aku buat descriptions and analysing the data.. walaupun lengthy, sampai 43 slides.. tapi miss ranmeet macam tak sanggup nak marah or stop our presentation. thanks miss ranmeet. I hope me and all the group members get the best marks. Ameenn..
habis aje, presentation.. Bahrin and his friends, buat tnda goodjob (Y) haha..aku dengan najaa bertambah-tambah laa lega.. yeayy.. habis kerjasama antara kami.. budak-budak group english for this semester BBI2420.. sampai rasa nak celebrate antara kamiii. ya allah, memang all the efforts paid off :))) anggap je laa, kerja-kerja yang dilakukan untuk group ni adalah sedekah. in shaa allah. besar pahala di sisiNya..
done typing, 1.22pm. public holiday of Sultan Selangor's birthday. at home. skip off the asasi activities. ngeh3 :3

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