A breath of first day semester three in Foundation of Science and Agricultural Studies :3
At first, amali bio cancelled.
Seawal jam 7 pagi bangun sebab terlebih eksaited untuk hari ini. :P
Then, diberitahu oleh kengkawan yang amali lab bio cancel hari ini.
okaaaaaaaaay. so, dari pagi tadi, just duduk dalam bilik bertweet and plan awal nak buat jadual baru untuk sem3 ni..
Alih-alih, aku duk meng'sketch'ing something kt note book, yg aku beli khas tuk sem3. cehhh, semangat lg tuuu. Nanti aku tunjuk kt Instag. My Tumblr to-be. lol. I don't know what the function of Tumblr. looks a lil bit like a blog and a lil bit like instagram.. so i'd rather called it instablog :p pffft. crapp me.
As, my schedule (should pronounce like this, sheee-dullle yeayy, me a good student :p) today should be amali SSK1000 (woww so many zeroes there!) at 2 o'clock, another class after amali bio.
Then, someone, not someone, but three classmates of mine texted me that, there is no amali ssk at the evening. hahaha. really?? yeayyy me and them.
memang nak yeayyy sangat punn kan. tak sebenarnya. aku nak pergi class hari ni. serius talk. but maybe, today is a day that give me a full rest in order to survive tomorrow and the next.
in shaa allah
at the bottom of my heart, i would like to wish.
to my exclassmate,
Muhd. Luqman Arif B Mohd Noor, and also Nafis Naqiudeen Nazri and also Nurul Atiqah Mohd Noor.
(it should be exclassmateS)
GOOD, all of them are sweet nineteenth. so fast are they. so advance. so old to be are them. lol. just kidding :p
okayyy cop. aku nak bagi kek kt koranggg. tunggguuu.

aci tak? hahaha. aci tak aci. aku nak letak jugak.
dah cukup satu gambar.
seronok pulak semalam bertweet dgn birthday friend :p, and tetiba,
ade kawan lama yg retweet kita punya tweet. how sweet. tu punn, nak sweet, dah ado gf da pun bdk tu. hahaha. main-main je laaah kt sini.
don't take it so seriusly man! somehow, i'd love to express all my feelings in Twitter.
about sadness, damness, cuteness (ehh?), somehow excitedness..
so sorry to anyone who take my tweet so seriously. i'm not meant it.
kekadang aku bengang tweet lah kebengangan aku. kekadang aku marah-marah tak nak balik upm. aku pun tweeet yg bukan-bukan. so sorry kalau ade yg betul-betul amik berat.
lepas ni, aku nak jaga emosi aku betul-betul. *how i wish* :C
tapi, aku betul-betul marah-marah semalam and sampai menangis-nangis tak nak balik upm. alih-alih kelas semua cancel hari ini. how glad am i. how i wish i could be at home :3
gila kan macam budak-budak :p roommate aku pun cakap semalam muka memang takde mood. serius talk!
tapi, since malam tadi, sampai sekarang.. mood aku changed totally 180. aku dah okayy.
firstly, thanks Allah cause give me another chance for today. I'm glad of this. <3
thanks mak and ayah, sbb hantarkan along balik upm.
thanks kawan sbb bagi aku mood tu balik.
firstly, thanks Allah cause give me another chance for today. I'm glad of this. <3
thanks mak and ayah, sbb hantarkan along balik upm.
thanks kawan sbb bagi aku mood tu balik.
thanks kawan yg lain sbb care.
thanks lg pada kawan yg lain sbb bg aku semangat. haha.
thanks kt roommate, sbb bagi makan nasi malam tadi. hahaha.
thanks kt roommate, sbb bagi makan nasi malam tadi. hahaha.
thanks kt kawan lama, sbb jadi peneman tweet sblum tidur :p
*aptb anak Ismail sorang ni. sigh =.= :p
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