Event 1: Running Iman by Pembina.
Location: Bukit Ekspo, kawasan kolej 13, KTP, K2, K5, PKU..
Date: 20 Oktober 2013
this great event with the awesome group that mix us from different colleges, ada ktp, ada k16, ada k5, k11, kmr.. okayyy we're meant together.. as at first, we are not familiar to each other, because this Az-Zahra group was created by the organizer, we were split from the original groups.. huhu T.T
as this activity would increase our knowledge about the Palastinians issue.. what are their developments and current issues happened there... we also manage to get in the first place as we are not expecting to win this running iman explorace.. Alhamdulillah..
we had a task that need us to sell things to support Palastinians and we'd also done the public speaking in front of the students in food court.. what a really tough one.. we were selling some books, maflas and button badges..
overall, this event somehow looks like a campaign in advance to support Palastinians and increase our knowledge about them.. besides, making new friends, and create the most unique artcraft- monuments.
and we had created the most easiest way to carry one polystyrene cup full of water with 5 strings of ropes. and Azzahrah group just made it!! how unbelievable.. because at first we are not knowing each other.. thanks for everything. alhamdulillah..
Event 2: Chess Tournament.
Location: Dewan Jauhari, KOSAS
Date: 21-23 Oktober 2013

pengalaman bermakna untuk aku, pertama kali menjejakkan kaki ke dalam kancah dunia pertandingan atau dikenali tournament.. menceburkan diri dalam permainan catur atas dasar suka-suki lepak di rumah main dengan adik-adik n kawan-kawan ... disebabkan main catur kt rumah dianggap salah satu aktiviti mengisi masa lapang ... jadi aku pun tak terfikir nak masuk tournament, sbb peluang belum pernah datang bergolek untuk aku since sekolah rendah lagi...
akhirnya, peluang yang ditawarkan oleh pengurus catur, iaitu rakan sekelasku sendiri takku persiakan. dengan harapan, walaupun aku sebagai budak baru, yang pasti teruk dibelasah pemain lain yg lebih berpengalaman, tapi aku tak akan berputus asa sehingga habis game.. walaupun time training pun menyesakkan kepala....
aku bermain untuk tiga round, berlawan dengan ktp, kolej 17 dan kolej kedua, yang pasti memberi pengalaman yang berbeza mengikut standard kolej masing-masing... sekarang aku timba banyak ilmu tentang catur mengikut kolej yang disenaraikan.. aku belajar banyak perkara yang tak pernah timbul masa suka-suki main chess dalam rumah..
kami di tempat ke5.. jatuh dua anak tangga nak dibandingkan tahun lepas, tempat ke3... apepun tahniah kepada pasukan catur yang sama-sama bertanding..
-maaf penulis menggunakan dua versi penulisan. harap maklum :)
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