yeahh..i'm so lucky and lame that I was too excited and semangat balik nak berbelog bila mana tengok beliau ni; Maria Elena
okayy back to you know that she, Maria Elena always make me soo excited to blog back.. and what I love about her, she loves travelling and I'm never fail to read every of her travelogue . *bukan nak berangan, tp kalau ada rezeki memang nak pergi travel, just wait for one day*
atcually, It gives me an idea and come up with this "End of First Year Degree PART TWO" after the PART ONE kahkah bolehh?? In semester one, I've storied about OPSIS 2014 - one of my college program that was held in Kedah betul-betul a week after final examination First Semester. hey, punya semangat kot nak pergi sampaikan time dah habis final exam kau boleh survive at college tika mana, students are away for their hommies.
Yeah, I'm travelling to north Malaysia that time okay. sebabkan aku suka sangat keluar dari comfort zone, that's why I'm never fail to blog about that, that gave me abundance of experience. Suka sangat nak adventure kan diri, lagipun, it was my second time to be Kedah again after my secondary school times yang mak andak and andak selalu bawa gi Penang and lalu Kedah. lalu je okayy, tapikan suasana sekolah eventho kau kt Pengkalan Hulu, Perak tapi macam kau duduk Kedah. serious talk. Then, bolehlah baca post aku kt OPSIS tu, to feel the excitement!
A week before semester two, me and several students are joining Kem Pemantapan Asas Kolej 16 (KPA)- at Port Dickson. Yeahhh, PD timee!! tak kisahlah kan KEM punn yang orang cakap eeee tak bestlah baik gi PD dengan geng, tapi kem tuu memang bagi kau adventure. I was there with kakak-kakak and abang-abang mtm kolej 16, buat ape sana?? *jengjengjeng* pergi adventurekan diri kau lah. 3D2N there never a spoil, activities like, night walking, LDK, meet Uitm students *cuci-cuci mata and okehh tak ade dalam tentatif nak meeting bagai*, extreme explorace bagi kau pusing satu kawasan PD Sanctuary Camp tak silap sampai mengah-mengah and nak give up time tu nasib ade groupmates yang digelar, along-angah-alang sampai ke achik, and me..called as Ateh. *wink-wink* so saling bantu membantu memberi semangat for every activities termasuklah 'extreme explorace', first time explorace panjat and berkejaran naik bukit yang sangat steep. *hmm sigh*
...dan activity 'berakit' menggunakan tong-tong besar dan buluh-buluh. skills untuk mengikat tong bersama buluh-buluh sangat penting bagi mengelakkan rakit terburai tengah laut..dan kami adakan competition berakit satu group dengan kesemua gruop yang lain ok. best sangat!! abang long sangat supportive.. 'water confidence' pun ada jugak, yang bagi aku pandai-pandai lah kau survive swimming dari tengah laut yg dorang campak sampai ke pantai. yeahh, teringat masa 'night walking' kami kena jaga telur as amanah to every person, tak kisah kau letak telur tu kat stoking ke, baju ke, poket ke..sebab paling sadis, dorang akan pukul amanah kita tu sampai pecah..then tetiba je.. ehh habis busuk poket seluar aku sbb telur dah pecah.. *nangis, kureng betul!*

just few photos that I stole from fesbuk kak huda, ampunn kikiki ^^
Game Tennis (sem 2) & Game Chess (sem 1) - first time pulak I involving the thingy sport here..again for college. kalau dah nama first time, train dlu untuk college, dah master and pro baru main untuk university..haha. nah boleh go through first time ever chess competition from my past entry- chess time .
sebenarnya, walaupun kau zero about the tenis thingy sport, aku saja involve
#1 sebab nak challenge diri sendiri
#2 inilah masa untuk keluar peluh petang-petang
#3 dapat spend time dengan kak ida, the seniors and also kawan kelas asasi, gee
#4 dapat sekali sekala merayap petang-petang sampai ke court tennis upm
#5 tengok sunset
#6 tambah skills on 'how to pro in tennis game for the next match' in shaa allah.
#7 get a healthy life!

ICED 16 event,
Program PUMA - me and my friends get a chance to sightseeing Kelantan!! and of course with my dearest roommate senior tahun akhir kak ida!! dah anok kelahiran kelate..semangak dio nak gi program ni. This program was held at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. The pictures are so lot in my previous post klik PUMA berwarna kat atas tu. Basically, tak adalah sightseeing berjimba sangat..but I learnt that..
To live a life, we have to give and take
we have an activity that we need to survive with no pockets money *dah kena simpan dengan pegawai program, dehh* and we only have what we have sebagai contoh perfume and pens. so, the groupmates pepandailah nak lunch makan apa guna modal yang ada, whether you want to do service or direct selling! that's so called life.. thought us on how to survive in life..berjalan di sekitar pekan Pasar Siti Khadijah and Kota Bharu memohon simpati dengan minta pekerjaan or else do direct selling..jual air mineral lah kami.. then, dah nak balik tu, baru boleh sightseeing malam-malam ke Wakaf Che' Yeh..but I do want more sightseeing in Kelantan! next time perhaps. what I impressed about Kelantan is, their mosque is live everywhere and their advertisement board totally sopan dengan duta iklan mesti bertudung..dari peringkat iklan kanak-kanak ke iklan kewanitaan, is totally different like langit and bumi dengan KL. *sigh*
Bakti Siswa (BAKSIS) - this program was held as one of my co-curricular activity, and my group got Kg. Perik, Kedah for program keluarga angkat. It was held from 8th May to 10th May. My group was combined with group 27, the collaboration of Mr. Emmenuel and Miss Khalifah. Before the programs, there were so lot of meetings, agendas, rehearsals and preparations. And, guess that, I'm the chief of protocol executives with another 5. Me and my protocol team did many works such as prepared the text script, mc script, and the tough one was running order. Masa first sampai sana, a little clumsy, because my team was one of the team who handled the opening ceromony, at the kampung. Alhamdulillah, the opening ceremony went well though. My sleepless night, my sacrifying days with laptop 24/7 just to accomplished the task, my roles to divide the tasks among group members, my sacrifying nights to attend every night meetings gagahkan diri tumpang moto dengan kawan even tengah hujan was already paid off! enough said. alhamdulillah.
so let's enjoy the pictures!

Majlis Apresiasi Kolej 16 - finally, this was the last event. Me and another 28 members had been selected as the ahli-ahli Majlis Tertinggi Mahasiswa Kolej 16, after every interviews and camping. Alhamdulillah, it was the one of big slap to me, that I need to face every single tasks and responsibilities and will be facing quite challenging days on this upcoming second year. Allah hu rabbi.
The truth is, me myself are not strong to face all these without the encouragement and support from team members itself.
so these sort of memories as my first year degree ended after last final paper on 17th of June 2014. Alhamdulillah, maybe it is the best plan from Allah. Setiap pertemuan ada pengakhiran dan perpisahan. Setiap detik dan saat yang indah itu kenangan. Mungkin sukar untukku melupakan segala kenangan, but however it is, what we can do, we can just move on, even deep inside no one knows that I'm too upset to leave all these memories.
To build the memories, need a thousand of experience, sacrifice and strength.
Get a life!
so kenalah kuat ye, wahai diri sendiri! x)
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